Here is a short interview with one of our long-serving, high producing members, Darcy Berrington of Aire-Serv Heating and AC in Winnipeg
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Transcription of the interview
We are going to be speaking today with Darcy Berrington of Aire-Serv heating and air conditioning. The guy that we called aKing of comfort, he is now in his fourth year with the BNIaccelerators. He’s definitely one of the leaders in the group having just served a term as president. He’s also one of the top producers in the group. Let’s hear from Darcy.
Darcy, you’ve been with the BNI Accelerators is for about three years now. What made you join Bni back then
DB: Came on board because I want to grow my network and grow my business class=”word contenteditable-word” data-word-start-time=”35.02″ data-word-end-time=”35.17″ data-timeframe-index=”0″ data-word-index=”102″>as much as I could.
Okay. Who do you find gives
you the most referrals right now
DB: I think building a Power Team helped out quite a bit. Right now. I’ve been getting referrals from our mortgage broker the most often, or I shouldn’t say most often, but some of our bigger jobs right now.
Um, but uh, there’s other guys certainly in the chapter that are regular contributors of business for me.
And who do you give most business to?
DB: I think probably the one I give the most to would be our electrician. I can use them on quite a few of our jobs and bring them on board and set them up with these customers and they ended up being his customers for long term too.
Excellent. Now you mentioned the word power team. Who in the chapter is on your power team and who is still missing in that category?
Uh, yeah, in our power team.There’s an electrician. Um, we have, uh, two contractors, one that does renovations, mourn and other that does builds. Um,yeah, we have our Roofer, we have a flooring guy, there’s a, there’s a few others we really liked to have on our team and I think having a window and door person would be great. Um, maybe a spray foam person with who you awesome as well plumber. Yeah, I think thatwould be good as well too.
So obviously we joined Bni for a variety of reasons.The biggest one being is set to get more business and to make more money. Where there any unexpected benefits of joining BNI?
DB: Absolutely. Uh, where I, I have friendships are gonna last for my lifetime now. Um, but I also got, uh, you can hope in business to know everything. Um, now I got a vast array of professionals that I can ask questions of, I can direct people to and just be able to, to know more because I know them. Okay.
If There’s anybody thinking of joining a Bni group, is there any advice you’d give going right now
DB: The recommendation I would say is when you come, make sure you’re, you’re ready to contribute, you really have to dig in and, and work on the system and work with it and help your, uh, your colleagues out a great deal as much as you can and everything will work even better than it would if, if you just, uh, warm and the benches.
Right. And so like givers gain is what you’re saying. Absolutely. Absolutely. Thank you.Thank you very much.
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