Darcy Berrington Testimonial

Darcy Berrington Testimonial

Here is a short interview with one of our long-serving, high producing members, Darcy Berrington of Aire-Serv Heating and AC in Winnipeg   For transcription of this interview, click the arrow Transcription of the interview We are going to be speaking today with...
Weekly Showcase Members

Weekly Showcase Members

Every month, BNI chapters all over the world (over 8,000 of them) recognize their chapter’s best networkers.  (Called Notable Networkers), you can find the highest producers of the BNI Accelerators in our monthly updates. These top producers are valued and...
10 Networking Tips

10 Networking Tips

BNI (Business Network International) offers the structure, experience and teaching to make sure your word-of-mouth marketing efforts pay off.  But just buying a membership in the worlds’ largest networking organization isn’t enough…. as our director...